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How To Buy On Upfrica

  1. Identify the item you want to purchase by search or from the Products page
  2. Click "Add to cart" to reserve the item in your shopping basket. Shopping cart icon will show on the top right (desktop) or bottom left (on mobile devices).
  3. Hit the Shopping cart icon to view items in your cart or click on checkout for the next steps.
  4. Check cart details to make sure you're happy with the item(s), quantity and cost.
  5. Add your delivery location details and mark it default. You can also select an existing delivery details.
  6. Hit next/continue to pay for checkout page.
  7. Scroll to the bottom and hit Pay Now.
  8. Select Pay with Card or Pay with Mobile Money. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete a secure payment.
  9. Once your payment is completed successfully. You will receive a receipt via email for your purchase. You can find your purchase history
  10. Confirmation of receipt and order history. Once you've received your items from the seller,  you must go to your purchases page and mark the item(s) as received. You can find all your historic purchases here on your purchases page.

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