Upfrica US > Electronics > Cellphones & Telecommunication > Cellphones > Mobile & Smart Phones > I Phone 12 Original 128 Gb Storage
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I Phone 12 Original 128 Gb Storage

Price $376.08 each
Collection: Click & Collect - Select option at checkout

    Delivery date:  11 Sep - 14 Sep  if ordered today
    Get a $11.28 credit for late delivery

* Return policy: 14 days returnable

* Variations

Condition Renewed
Brand Apple
Upfrica Item ID IVQQPHAC
Item number 0000002314

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I Phone 12 Original 12.. in Ghana Best Sale Price: Upfrica

    Shop I Phone 12 Original 128 Gb Storage at everyday low prices. Order online today for fast delivery or collect from the seller in accra, GH

    Original i phone 12 
    Storage 128gb 
    BH 82%
    No I cloud 
    No fault 

    Seller location: accra, Ghana