Upfrica US > Agriculture & Farming > Farm Animals > Large White Pigs
    Delivery date:  12 Sep - 15 Sep  if ordered today
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Large White Pigs

2479 sold by Browny Farms   Amoanda, GH
Price $41.43 each

    Delivery date:  12 Sep - 15 Sep  if ordered today
    Get a $1.24 credit for late delivery

Condition Brand New
Upfrica Item ID C2XHM72N
Item number 0000002181

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Large White Pigs in Ghana Best Sale Price: Upfrica

    Shop Large White Pigs at everyday low prices. Order online today for fast delivery or collect from the seller in Amoanda, GH

    • Large white gilts and boars for sale. They weigh between 50 - 80kgs. 
    • We have selected pigs for breeding or for slaughter available at our farm at Amoanda, near Akotsi junction off the Kasoa Winneba highway

    Seller location: Amoanda, Ghana

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