Upfrica US > Home, Appliances & Furniture > Lights & Lighting > Rechargeable Lights > Sealey Rechargeable Fluorescent Floor Light 2 X 20 W Tubes White/Black
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Sealey Rechargeable Fluorescent Floor Light 2 X 20 W Tubes White/Black

2480 sold by Hello Supermarket   Accra, GH
Price $37.93 each

    Delivery date:  12 Sep - 15 Sep  if ordered today
    Get a $1.14 credit for late delivery

Condition Brand New
Upfrica Item ID WH5ENHRN
Item number 0000002182

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Sealey Rechargeable Fl.. in Ghana Best Sale Price: Upfrica

    Shop Sealey Rechargeable Fluorescent Floor Ligh.. at everyday low prices. Order online today for fast delivery or collect from the seller in Accra, GH

    The Sealey twin daylight fluorescent tubes suitable for applications where mains power is unavailable.
    The tubes can be selected to run individually or as a pair from rechargeable cells.
    The light unit Includes an integrally stored mains cable for recharging only, electronic control allows unit to be used as an emergency light, switching on the light in the event of mains power failure.
    It has a carry handle features  and floor stand and  can also be wall mounted.
    • 2X 20W Tube light
    • Rechargeable
    • Floor stand
    • Carry handles

    Seller location: Accra, Ghana

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